If persuasion is an art, then Jack Daniels’ “Our Town” ad is a masterpiece. I don’t even like their sour mash whiskey, but this ad is so good it makes me WANT to like it. Here’s why it works so well.
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Advertisement Analysis – Subaru’s “I’m Sorry”
Subaru and Toyota are going two different directions with their advertising. Subaru is creating powerful emotional connections. Toyota is offending people. In this analysis of the Subaru “I’m Sorry” ad, we see an awesome example of something most companies find very hard to do: sell the benefits of the product instead of the product. Toyota’s ads […]
Advertisement Analysis – VW’s “America”
Volkswagen’s management made a terrible decision to cheat on government tests. People were angry about it, with good reason. A single ad won’t redeem their image, but this one goes a long way in the right direction.